• Fees at Off Centre Dance Co are considered as “Instalments”. Each enrolment year consists of 12 equal instalments which are direct debited monthly. The yearly enrolment period is from February-January.

  • Students MUST be enrolled in Auto Pay (direct debit) to take lessons at Off Centre - Monthly instalment fees will be debited from your nominated account or credit card on the 15th of the month. These fees will then be scheduled to be direct debited from your nominated account or credit card. Failure to set up autopay may result in students being unable to participate in classes.

  • As fees are charged mid month, you are paying for 2 weeks in arrears and 2 weeks in advance.

  • No refunds will be issued under any circumstances aside from our money back guarantee.

  • Fees must be paid regardless of attendance.

  • Patrons must agree to pay the amount of all owing invoices for classes taken or agreed to take as per these terms and conditions. Failure to honour payment will result in debt recovery proceedings at your expense.

  • For students that start mid month, instalment fees for that month will be charged pro-rata for the amount of days into that instalment period so you are always ahead. This will mean your first debit may be different from expected however the second debit will be as normal.

  • In the unfortunate event that a direct debit attempt fails a $15 dishonour fee will be added to your account.

  • Your monthly instalment fee takes into account weeks where lessons do not occur (i.e school holidays) - spreading equal payments over 12 months is designed to keep your monthly instalment fee as low as possible.

  • As packages are inclusive of extras which are paid off over the course of the year - A catch up fee may be required when enrolling into lessons after the beginning of the year. These fees range from $20-$30 per month depending on package type. Catchup Fees can either be paid in a lump sum or added to your monthly amount and paid off over the course of the calendar year.


  • It is the responsibility of the carer/guardian to ensure the account with Off Centre is paid and up to date. Off Centre will request payments from the provider however should payments fall into arrears it is ultimately the responsibility of the carer/guardian to follow up with the funding provider.

  • Self Managed NDIS/DCJ etc. customers are required to sign up to autopay as normal - we will provide invoices/receipts should you need them - We do not accept direct bank deposits for self managed funding customers.


  • Students must be ready to enter class on time. It is advised to arrive approximately 10 minutes before your allocated class time.

  • No Dangly earrings, watches, bracelets, necklaces or large rings are to be worn to classes, as they are potentially dangerous and distracting.

  • All students will require uniform that is to be worn to lessons. Please see the uniform page on our website for all requirements.

  • In the event that classes are rehearsing older routines, newer students may not be featured in performances until they have caught up and are at the performance level of the rest of the class.

  • All students should be picked up promptly at the end of their class, failure to collect students in a timely manner may result in an extra charge for supervision at the discretion of the studio. Fee for minding is to cover the cost of paying for the teachers time to potentially stay back and supervise.

  • Photographs and videos taken of students in classes may be used for advertisements and promotional use. Parents that do not wish for their child to be featured must express this in writing to [email protected]

  • prior to lessons commencing. Students who are not allowed to be photographed or videoed may miss out on performance opportunities.

  • Off Centre Dance Co owns all copyright for dance routines taught at the studio. All routines remain the property of Off Centre Dance Co and may not be reproduced or performed outside the studio, unless prior written permission has been given. Students are encouraged to enter talent quests on a personal level however routines taught at Off Centre Dance Co are not permitted for use in such shows. All routines shared on social media must have Off Centre Dance Co tagged and credited for the routine or you will be instructed to remove it immediately.

  • Under extreme circumstances where lessons are unable to be delivered face to face, Off Centre will continue to conduct lessons remotely via Zoom or Skype where necessary during the students regularly scheduled lesson time.


  • By enrolling into a lesson you are reserving the teachers time for that lesson. It is an expectation of Off Centre Dance Co that you attend all lessons.

  • All classes are locked in for the remainder of the year. If you wish to cancel your subscription before the final instalment payment in January please let us know by emailing [email protected] - There is a cancellation/early exit fee charged at the rate of 1 instalment (your monthly debit amount) assigned to all cancellations outside of our guarantee period. You do not have to provide advanced notice. Once you have notified of cancellation, you will be charged the exit fee and will no longer be registered as a student of Off Centre Dance Co.

  • Students that will be absent due to sickness or any other reasons must notify the studio of their non-attendance by calling (02) 4577 9557. In the case of private lessons, if a student does not show up for a class or does not notify the teacher/studio at least 1 hour prior to the start of a private lesson, the full cost of the lesson must be paid to the studio.

  • In the event that a student leaves the studio, all inclusions of packages that have not been received are forfeited. No refunds will be issued for inclusions that have not been received due to a resignation from the studio.

  • If you choose to be an Off Centre Dance Co student you are required to not take classes at any other dance studio - Exemptions may be granted with permission from the studio principal.

  • Not attending/performing in concerts or events does not negate the final January fee instalment as class fees are designed to be paid over this period for classes taken or agreed to take during the current enrolled season.

  • Cancellation requests in December still incur a 1 month exit fee which would be your January instalment. We will not waive the January instalment for students who cancel classes in December.


  • Parents are not permitted to enter classrooms unless invited. Please wait in the parents waiting room or outside the studio for classes to be over. We also ask for no one to wait in the reception whilst classes are running as this is a distraction for our staff and students using the area.

  • Although all due care is taken with all of our students, we do not take responsibility for students whilst they are not in class. If your child has a break between classes, it is ultimately the parents responsibility to supervise children if it is required.

  • Students are not to play outside the studio buildings at any time, this includes any of the car park and driveway areas surrounding the studio. Please take care whilst you are driving in the surroundings of the premises

  • Siblings of Off Centre Dance Co students, who do not take classes, are not to be left unsupervised at any time in the studio.

  • Off Centre Dance Co is a drug and alcohol free zone. Anyone who is found to be under the influence or have these in their possession will be asked to leave.

  • No responsibility will be taken for any lost items or injuries whilst at the studio.

  • Parking within the studio parking lot is reserved for staff only. This is to keep the driveway as clear as possible for the safety of all students. Parents picking up and dropping off students must not use the drive way.

  • All studio provided ammenities must be kept in a clean and orderly fashion.

  • Young children must be supervised at all times while using the waiting room or bathrooms.

Social Media Policy

  • The Off Centre Social Media Policy refers to all social media networking platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Tiktok and Snapchat. Please see below for our regulations regarding Social Media and feel free to contact our Office Staff if you have any questions.

  • Any content revealing or referring to sensitive studio information is not allowed to be shared online.

  • Any comments or posts perceived to be obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful towards Off Centre staff, students or families may result in immediate dismissal from the studio.

  • Intellectual property laws (for example, costume design and choreography) must be observed by all studio patrons when posting online.

  • All matters pertaining directly to the studio – whether it be fees, scheduling, placements, performance opportunities or general enquiries – must not be communicated via Social Media. We have an open door policy and encourage all communication or feedback to be communicated to the Office directly via email at [email protected].

  • Families must not engage in ‘hidden’ or ‘private’ groups formed for the specific purpose of discussing studio matters. All Families are instead encouraged to join our closed Facebook group for public discussion and should not discuss Studio matters in other private online groups.

  • Social media groups created for students must be used for the sharing of content only by students and must not be utilised by parents as a ‘shortcut’ to have questions answered by staff. As stated above, all questions must be sent to us via [email protected] and will be responded to during business hours.

Our Terms And Conditions were updated on September 7th 2019

Social Media Policy added November 2020.

Off Centre Dance Co

72 Argyle Street

South Windsor NSW

(02) 45779557

Got Questions

An R&R Performance Training Business - ABN 64 635 378 719 - Website By My Studio Manager